Funding Facility for Stabilization Quarter I Report 2020

DownloadFunding Facility for Stabilization Quarter I Report 2020
July 28, 2020
At the end of quarter one, FFS had a total of 4,360 projects, an additional 786 projects since the close of 2019. Projects were taking place in all five liberated governorates, with the highest number of projects taking place in Ninewa (2,433), followed by Anbar (1,083), Salah al Din (532), Kirkuk (233) and Diyala (79). Finally, 2,373 projects were completed, 217 under implementation, 269 tendering and 1,501 being developed.
At the end of February, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimated that 4,660,404 Iraqis had returned to their area of origin. This represents an increase of 63,954 people since the end of 2019. Despite this, 1,399,170 people remain displaced.
One of the most notable achievements of the reporting period was that the Ramadi Maternity Hospital was fully rehabilitated and reopened in Anbar during the reporting period. The hospital once again provides maternal and pediatric health care services to more than 400,000 women and children in Ramadi and the rest of the governorate. Furthermore, Ramadi’s Palestine Bridge, which was damaged extensively during the battle to liberate the city, was officially reopened following the completion of rehabilitation works. This large, two-span bridge is crucial to facilitate the free movement of people and goods across the city and with neighboring Jordan. Additionally, rehabilitation works started at the Al-Batool Maternity Hospital in West Mosul’s Al-Shifaa Hospital Complex, which will provide specialized maternity and gynecology services to the people of Mosul. Before ISIL occupation, this facility employed 150 doctors and 400 nurses, who treated more than 100,000 patients yearly. Also, in East Mosul, rehabilitation of the 3,500-square-metre Mosul University Theatre Hall continued to progress. The hall has been cleared of explosive materials and debris, and the demolition of severely damaged parts of the building was ongoing. Rehabilitation works continued at the Sinjar Cement Factory substation, the biggest substation in Greater Ninewa. Once complete, the substation will contribute to a stable supply of electricity for approximately 150,000 people.
Twenty-eight donors have contributed USD 1,284,871,183 as of 31 March 2020. This report provides an overview of FFS activities during the first quarter of 2020, which encompasses 1 January 2020-31 March 2020.