The Impact Assessment of Preventing GBV through Sustainable Livelihood Programming in Iraq

The Impact Assessment of Preventing GBV through Sustainable Livelihood Programming in Iraq
June 6, 2023
UNDP is grateful for the generous funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provided through the KfW Development Bank and the Republic of Korea. This report provides the impact and lessons learned from an evidence-based approach to ending gender-based violence through integration into Iraq's Sustainable Livelihoods & Economic Recovery program.
The programme addressed gender inequality, and GBV prevention by applying an innovative approach to effectively and ethically integrate GBV prevention approaches into the livelihood programme. This evidence-based approach reduced gender-based violence by improving marital relationships, reducing intimate partner violence (IPV), transforming gender roles, fostering joint decision-making, enhancing communication skills, and facilitating effective problem-solving. The integration of these efforts within the Livelihood program aims to combat gender-based violence effectively.