UNDP Iraq Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025

UNDP Iraq Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025
March 26, 2023
UNDP Iraq is grateful to all partners who contributed and participated in the development of the UNDP Iraq Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025.
We especially thank various government representatives, academia, women’s rights organizations, and all the stakeholders who participated in a rigorous consultation process to provide valuable input and insight into this Gender Equality Strategy.
We also would like to thank all the UN agencies, heads and Focal points of program pillars, project managers, comms team, and the gender team for their active participation in the consultation workshops and for providing valuable feedback and input towards the Gender Equality Strategy. We are grateful to Rania Tarazi and the gender team in the regional -hub office in Amman. We cannot forget to thank Barbora Sakho and Erin Noonan for providing insightful comments and feedback that enabled us to enrich the gender strategy.