Peacebuilding in action: UNDP and swisspeace train Iraqi peace practitioners

November 9, 2021

Photo: Workshop attendees. 2021.

Engagement with local actors is fundamental to building sustainable communal peace in Iraq. From 24 to 26 October, UNDP Iraq in partnership with swisspeace, held a capacity building workshop on dialogue and mediation for representatives from local non-governmental organizations, academics, and peace practitioners. This is the second in a series of workshops, targeting seven organizations from the governorates of Anbar, Babel, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, and Maysan, in addition to representation from Baghdad University.

Thanks to expertise from swisspeace in areas of peace mediation and dialogue processes, the training aims to strengthen capacities in peaceful conflict transformation through sessions on conflict analysis, dialogue processes, and social cohesion in Iraq, with simulations of real-life conflict and mediation case studies.

Photo: Duha (centre). 2021.

“I am here because I have an initiative that I want to implement in my community, and we are learning from the experts about project methodology and from other participants about their experiences.”

- Duha Abdulhassan, 35, Al Khair Humanitarian Organization, Local NGO, Maysan.

Photo: Mohammed. 2021.

“Tension is caused by misunderstanding and miscommunication, and we can understand the perspective of each party through dialogue and mediation skills.”

- Mohammed Qasim, 30, Al Ghad Organization, Local NGO, Kirkuk.

Photo: Tara. 2021.

“This training has given me a deep understanding of the nature and causes of tension and conflict in my country and how to introduce concepts of peace. I learned about the ways that we as local NGOs can reduce tensions, and I learned about the tools, methodologies and approaches that will help us be more aware and careful while dealing with tension.”

- Tara Abdulaziz, 23, Civil Development Organization (CDO), local NGO, Kirkuk.

UNDP Iraq has launched in 2020 a dedicated 5-year Social Cohesion Programme to promote stronger, peaceful, and more cohesive communities in all areas of Iraq. With thanks to the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs for their generous contribution, efforts for peacebuilding in Iraq are strengthened through collaboration with swisspeace to build capacities for mediation and peacebuilding at the local level in Iraq.