AR_Socio-Economic and Legal Barriers to Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Positions

Socio-Economic and Legal Barriers to Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Positions
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April 7, 2024
UNDP, in partnership with UN Women in Jordan, conducted an Arabic study titled "Socio-Economic and Legal Barriers to Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Positions". This comprehensive research involved interviews with 203 elected women from municipal and local councils, 14 focus group discussions across all governorates with women council members, and 87 semi-structured interviews with key decision-makers and stakeholders. The findings revealed three main barriers to women's empowerment and leadership: social obstacles that impede women's access to leadership roles, economic challenges that limit their empowerment and opportunities for leadership, and legislative and legal hurdles that restrict their empowerment and access to leadership positions. This study provides a detailed exploration of the multifaceted challenges women face on their path to empowerment and leadership.