A Day with Janjevë/Janjevo Entrepreneurs: Preserving Traditions and Cultivating Organic Products

August 23, 2024

It's midday on a Wednesday. Amidst the buzz and melodic squeaks of tools, Ajnur Arifi and his father move back and forth, completing their clients' orders at their traditional arts and crafts welding business in Janjevë/Janjevo.

Ajnur, a father of four, has been working as a blacksmith for many years, at the business he inherited from his father. He still receives a helping hand from his dad.

In his workshop, Ajnur produces over 25 different types of traditional metal products. He currently sells to established partners and is exploring new opportunities with retailers for personalised knives and metal souvenirs. The business focuses on around 10 different types of products, with the capacity to produce up to 2 knives or 25 axes per day, often working 14-hour days.

He primarily sells his products in bazaars and has a small shop in Graçanicë/Graćanica where he showcases his work.

“We have a diverse clientele, showing a particular interest in axes. One of our most popular items is the double-edged axe, a traditional product of our family business. Clients often order it to adorn their homes with ethno motifs or for use in traditional restaurants,” says Ajnur joyfully.

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