Initiative Groups Foster Inclusive Decision-Making and a Culture of Dialogue for Peace

October 8, 2024
Two middle-age women in white scarfs are making notes.

Members of the Initiative group in Ak-Turpak, Batken province.

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has been actively engaged in fostering peace and social cohesion in Kyrgyzstan, a country marked by its rich cultural diversity and complex socio-political landscape. Recognizing the critical need for inclusive governance, community resilience, and sustainable development, UNDP has implemented a range of initiatives aimed at strengthening the foundations of peace and enhancing social cohesion across the region through promoting inclusive governance, empowering women, and youth, building resilience through socio -economic development and many other.

In our commitment to building cohesive communities and an inclusive future, local initiative groups, formed by community leaders and activists, play a key role. These grassroots platforms empower community members to engage in meaningful conversations with local authorities, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued. By facilitating open dialogue, these groups lay the foundation for more inclusive and cohesive society.

Empowering Women and Promoting NAP 1325 at the Local Level

An important achievement of these initiative groups is their dedication to women empowerment and advancing the principles of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (NAP 1325). Through targeted programs and initiatives, these groups create opportunities for women to assume leadership roles within their communities. This commitment to gender equality enhances decision-making processes that impact their lives, fosters a more equitable environment for all.

Ainura Aripova, a member of the initiative group in the village of Ak-Turpak in the Batken region, says that her participation in the project has given her confidence in herself and her abilities. According to her, she has come to understand that every woman can make a significant contribution to the development of her community and the building of peace, especially when she has support and confidence.

"My involvement in the UNDP project on Empowering Civil Society's Change my life by 180 degrees. Through the project, I learned about my rights and the importance of women being active participants in the decision-making process. We were trained to write projects, organize meetings, and express our ideas. The most important thing for me was that I was able to unite the women in my village. We began holding meetings where we discussed not only common problems but also possible solutions. Together, we developed action plans aimed at improving educational opportunities for children and creating jobs for women. I saw interest and confidence spark in the eyes of my neighbors. Women began to open, sharing their ideas and initiatives. With each new meeting, I felt the atmosphere in our village changing. I started to hear my fellow villagers discussing our initiatives with respect and noticed how local authorities began paying attention to our concerns. That was when I realized that our voice matters," Ainura shares.

One of the most significant outcomes of the initiative group, of which Ainura is a member, has been the creation of a support group for women who have experienced family conflicts. "We organized regular meetings where women shared their stories and helped each other regain their confidence. I see how these women, who once suffered from differences, are beginning to believe in themselves and their capabilities. They are becoming leaders in their families and communities," Ainura says.

"I also realized that my work will not end with the completion of the project. I decided to continue advocacy for women's rights and creating opportunities for their active participation in our village life. I plan to organize monthly meetings where women can discuss their ideas and projects and support each other in their implementation."

Women at the training

Women at the Education center for parents and children. Akturpak, Batken province.

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

Agents for Peaceful Change

Recognizing the unique needs and dynamics of their communities , initiatives groups have emerged as agents of peaceful change . They have crafted localized peacebuilding action plans tailored to address specific challenges and leverage opportunities within their villages . These plans not only outline strategies for conflict resolution but also promote sustainable development and community cohesion, providing a clear roadmap for more harmonious future.

An example of such collaboration is the project to establish a kindergarten in the village of Kyshtut, located in the Batken region. This initiative was driven by community activists . Kyshtut borders the Sokh district of Uzbekistan and is affected by frequent landslides. Like many remote and hard -to- reach communities, the village's infrastructure is severely limited. Most men are in labor migration, leaving primarily women in the community.

For several years, local women raised the issue of creating a kindergarten with the local self-governance body, which would enable them to return to work without fear of leaving their children unattended. However , the funds allocated by the local government were insufficient . In response, a proactive group managed to mobilize resources by reaching out to Kyrgyz migrant communities abroad.

A commission was formed, consisting of representative from the local government and community leaders men and women. Community residents contributed by providing labor, migrants provided funds for building materials and UNDP supplied furniture and other equipment for the kindergarten. This initiative not only brought to life one of the components of the local community development plan but also united the efforts of all residents for the common good, thereby strengthening social cohesion within the community.

children in kindergarden sitting on tables in national constumes and reading books. Teachers are standing and looking at them on the background. The premices well decorated and new.

The first day at the kindergarten. Kyshtut, Batken province.

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan


Joint implementation of action plans for peacebuilding

The collaboration between initiative groups , local authorities , and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has been instrumental in actualizing peacebuilding action plans . Together, they are implementing projects that address immediate community needs while also laying the groundwork for social cohesion, sustainability peace and stability. As we showcase these initiatives, we are glad to highlight the tangible changes that have emerged and underscore the importance of sustained dialogue and collaboration.

In Kyshtut village councils of Batken province, UNDP supported the local initiative of residents and LSG aimed at repairing the flying water supply system, which served all villages in that area. The water system was put back in Soviet times and the local authorities were struggling with the purchase of the necessary equipment to handle the repair works. Public discontent and distrust were growing, leading to frequent tensions among residents. By improving the water infrastructure, UNDP's project not only addressed the immediate need for access to clean water but also fostered long-term benefits, making the community more resilient and cohesive. This cooperation helped build trust and unity within the community, as everyone recognized the importance of a shared resource.

People digging the space for drinking water supply pipes

Renovation of the drinking water supply system in Kyshtut, Batken province.

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

In Kyrgyzstan, UNDP's journey toward peace and exclusivity is ongoing, and the efforts of local initiative groups are crucial in this process. By fostering dialogue, empowerment of women, developing peacebuilding action plans, and collaborating closely with local authorities and UNDP, these groups are driving positive change in their community.