Regional Dialogue “Building Strong Democratic Societies: Counteracting Setbacks and Advancing Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean”

May 21, 2024
Event Details

20 - 21 June 2024

Cartagena, Colombia

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is the third most democratic region in the world according to the Democracy Index, behind Western Europe and North America, making it the most democratic among developing regions worldwide. However, LAC has witnessed an increase in democratic disaffection over the last decade: only 48% of the population supported democracy in the region in 2023, down 15 percentage points from 63% in 2010. In the current context of overlapping crises and high uncertainty, creating and strengthening spaces for dialogue and active listening to reach common agreements and establish recommendations for action to deepen democracies and equality is more necessary than ever.

On June 20-21, 2024, the Regional Dialogue “Building Strong Democratic Societies: Counteracting Setbacks and Advancing Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean” will be held and organized by UNDP and AECID. This event will make it possible to establish strategic recommendations for action by different political and social actors, renewing commitments to democracy, equality and non-discrimination. Its results are intended to be part of the key inputs that will feed the discussions to be held within the framework of the XVI Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean.