Women and Work: Stepping on the accelerator of change

Women and Work: Stepping on the accelerator of change

June 25, 2024

What are the factors behind the labour force participation gap? Has the incorporation of women into the labour market been the same for women from different economic strata?What would be the economic benefits of stimulating the incorporation of women into the labour market? How can we reaccelerate closing the gender gap of labour force participation between men and women with quality jobs? 

These are some of the questions that this document will attempt to answer, integrating the key conclusions of the studies carried out by three reference institutions: the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which has economically quantified the effects of a hypothetical reduction of the labour gap for Latin America based on two specific public policies; the International Labour Organization (ILO), which examines occupational segregation data and analyses its causes and consequences, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which looks beyond averages to analyse the existing differences in women’s labour participation based on the economic stratum to which they belong