UNDP in Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional Hub in Panama

Branches of a leafy tree against a clear blue sky.

The Regional bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean established the Regional Hub in Panama in 2008, to bring corporate and regional policy, and advisory support, closer to where they are needed on the ground, and to make those services more responsive to country programme needs.

The Regional Hub serves 26 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, offering technical support, and a trustworthy source of knowledge, experiences, and resources provided by a group of experts and professionals. It works through its COs with governments and people to develop customized solutions to development challenges and thus help to strengthen local capacities.

Our Hub is focused on strengthening the capacities of the country offices, which in turn assist governments and communities in achieving sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Hub works around thematic and cross-cutting areas, management advice and operations, and support mechanisms:

Priority Areas

  • Fostering inclusive economic growth and productivity through value chains, employment and livelihoods
  • Moving towards social protection with universal and inclusive approaches
  • Increasing focus on excluded and vulnerable groups
  • Supporting countries to sustainably manage natural resources and govern extractive industries.
  • Boosting the political participation and inclusion of women, youth, people of African descent and indigenous peoples
  • Strengthening the State’s capacity to deliver quality services to excluded populations at the national and local levels
  • Strengthening citizen security through engagement and capacity development
  • Promoting resilience with a focus on climate change and disaster preparedness
  • Bringing countries together, in the region and beyond: South-South cooperation
  • Gender equality


What we do?

  • Advocacy, including policy advice, facilitating dialogue and providing technical support.
  • Knowledge-sharing and capacity development, inducing knowledge products, on-the-job training and sharing know-how from the region and other parts of world. We actively promote South-South cooperation within the region and beyond.
  • Implementation support, focusing on the execution of projects aligned with national development plans as well as the UNDP's Strategic Plan 2022-2025, promotion of results-based management, fund management and procurement support.
  • Resource mobilization, supporting countries to access funds for sustainable development.