Enhancing the Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species in Vulnerable Ecosystems in Cuba
Enhancing the Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species in Vulnerable Ecosystems in Cuba
December 20, 2018
This project will protect vulnerable marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, species and genetic diversity within Cuba from negative impacts of invasive alien species. More specifically, the project will safeguard globally-significant biodiversity in vulnerable ecosystems, by building capacity at the systemic level to prevent, detect, and manage the spread of IAS in Cuba. This goal and objective will be met by strengthening the institutional policies and technical capacities needed to manage IAS, while stimulating multi-stakeholder, cross-sectoral cooperation for effective implementation in the field. Reaching this state will require pursuing the following broad operational strategies: (i) strengthen the policy and legal framework on IAS; (ii) build sound and effective coordination mechanisms across concerned sectors, between relevant institutions and in partnership with key actors; (iii) enhance scientific knowledge on IAS introduction, spread, impacts and management options among key stakeholders charged with control; (iv) build general public awareness on IAS and their impacts, and; (v) improve management effectiveness in the field to ensure safeguarding of biodiversity. |