Executive Board of the United Nations development programme The United Nations populated Fund and the United Nations office for project service

Executive Board of the United Nations development programme The United Nations populated Fund and the United Nations office for project service
January 5, 2019
He priorities of development of Jamaica are outlined in his Vision 2030 Jamaica: Plan of National Development (NDP). The NDP is aligned by the sustainable aims of development (SDGs) and has the support full of two parties. The Institute of Planning of Jamaica (PIOJ) under the Department of Finance coordinates the Government and programs of partnersupported to assure the alignment for the NDP AND THE SDGS. Jamaica recognizes the importance of social protection for all the citizens and his influence on the social stability Tenth Review Under the Arrangement Under the Extend Fund Facility, 17 December 2015. Tenth Review In conformity with The Arrangement Under the Facility of Fund.Extended, on December 17, 2015. Program of Development of the United Nations, the Formless 2015 of Human Development: Priorities of the program and companies for the next five years: (a) Caribbean sustainable and resistant; (b) a strong box, and Caribbean cohesive just person; (c) Caribbean I recover; (and d) uncaribeño global, equitable and prosperous |