Police will react more promptly in crisis situations due to the Intranet system, to be developed with UNDP support

May 12, 2020

Photo: Denis Rusu/UNDP Moldova

Alongside doctors and other professionals, Police has one of the basic roles in managing crisis situations, like the one caused by COVID-19 spread. To intervene promptly and efficiently, police officers would also need an internal communication and collaboration tool. Such communication will be ensured in the future through an Intranet system, which will link all those approximately 9,000 police employees in one single network. The feasibility study for the future system is developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the financial support provided by the U.S. Government.

The future platform will be accessible from different devices. It will supply up-to-date information and offer direct connections to police databases, making it possible to share documents and use tools for efficient planning and management of human resources and data flows. At the same time, the employees will be informed in real-time about all the regulatory framework updates, new operational procedures and tasks to be undertaken. Police Intranet platform will open opportunities for online trainings, as well as meetings organized remotely.

The future Intranet system will be based on best practices from the country and abroad. One of these positive experiences comes from the United Nations Development Programme. The organization uses a global Intranet system, which currently brings together over 10,000 employees under a unique platform of collaboration that ensures maximum transparency and efficiency.

“A police Intranet system means capacity building, including developing rapid response skills. Such an information resource ensures safer and more functional access to different intelligence. In their turn, the decisions taken based on accurate data ensure better operational outcomes,” noted Andrian Sova, Director of Information Technology Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The preliminary findings of the feasibility study revealed that Intranet systems are missing in the majority of police inspectorates in the country, except for some local initiatives, which are not fully endowed with necessary equipment. At the same time, police employees are not trained to use efficiently the respective platform. The Ministry of Internal Affairs’ official information is distributed via the governmental email system, telephone or mobile devices.

“Internal communication represents an extremely important element for the activity of any institution. It becomes even more relevant in crisis situations. Thanks to new digital technologies, the Intranet platform offers diverse tools and solutions for internal collaboration, hence contributing to streamlining the on-going processes and to a better coordination of police actions,” mentioned the representative of the U.S. Embassy in Chisinau, Director of Bureau of INL (International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs) Section, Timothy Buckley.

“The feasibility study will be completed by the end of May. The technical specifications of the future Intranet platform are drafted in parallel with this study. Looking forward, the platform will be implemented gradually. Initially it can be piloted among a group of employees, to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages, and perform necessary adjustments, if needed. Its extension will be carried out step by step, ensuring efficiency for internal communication,” said Viorel Albu, UNDP Moldova Project Manager.

Over the last years, UNDP implemented several projects for developing capacities of the law enforcement institutions. One of them supported the setup of the National Center for Integrated Coordination of Public Order Actions (Crisis Center), an inter-institutional structure for decision-making support at the national level, established for managing high-risk public order crises.

The ”Support to Law Enforcement Reform in Moldova” Project (link is external)is implemented by UNDP with the financial support provided by the U.S. Government.