Funding possibilities for clusters
Funding possibilities for clusters
December 8, 2014
The study provides a deep overview of the funding possibilities at national, regional and international level which can be accessed by small and medium enterprises (SMEs), clusters of SMEs, national and local government authorities, research institutes and universities for the purpose of enhancing competitiveness of local SMEs in Montenegro through cluster developments. The Study includes recommendations and a matrix with detailed information on conditions, eligibility, sectors and deadlines of the specific calls, which different entities can observe in order to prepare possible project proposals and consequently apply for funding.
The Study has been prepared within the project “Enhancing competitiveness for Small and Medium Enterprises through Clusters’ development”, an EU-funded project co-funded and implemented by UNIDO in partnership with UNDP for the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro.
The Study will be used to support the Government of Montenegro in the implementation of the Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth through the Introduction of Business Clusters (2012-2016);
It includes the information on: National Programmes & Private sector funding; European and Other Regional Sources of Funding (Western Balkans – Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession, IPA II (2014-2020), INTERREG); International and EU Level Funding opportunities (Horizon 2020, COSME, FP7 Future Internet Calls); European Investment Bank, European Investment Funds & European Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
The funding streams, programmes and calls which are analyzed throughout this study are examined in relation to their relevance and potential impact on formulating cluster strategies catering to some of these sectors;
Many funding possibilities are currently available but it is needed to design and prepare project proposals, as well as to establish sound partnerships, well in advance, even before the call is open.