Comprehensive training series on Media and Elections will reach more than 500 journalists across the country

May 31, 2024

The UNDP Democracy and Elections Project, in collaboration with the National Union of Journalists and Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE), recently began, in Maputo, a comprehensive training series on Media and Elections.

Journalists interacting about their role in mitigationg electoral violence and counter digital threats, as one of the topic discussed in the training

Photo taken by one of the participants

The first training session, held in Ponta D'Ouro, involved 42 (16 women) journalists from radio, television, print and digital media. These training sessions are expected to reach more than 500 journalists across the country, with the following objectives:

1.    Enhance Media Literacy: Improve journalists’ understanding of the electoral process and their role in promoting fair and accurate reporting.
2.    Combat Disinformation: Equip media professionals with the skills to identify, report, and counter disinformation and misinformation during electoral periods.
3.    Promote Ethical Reporting: Foster adherence to ethical standards and practices in election coverage.
4.    Strengthen Media Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and information sharing among journalists from different media platforms.

Journalists simulating practical situations at crucial moments in the electoral process and receiving instructions on how to report

Photo taken by one of the participants

Using an interactive and dynamic methodology, journalists carry out exercises that simulate practical situations at crucial moments in the electoral process, such as the counting and tabulation of results, and receive instructions on how to report.

"This training has been a game-changer for me. I now understand the profound impact media can have on elections and feel equipped to contribute positively", said one of the participant, adding that "the practical exercises were incredibly useful. Simulating real election coverage helped me prepare for actual events."

"Ethical journalism was a key takeaway for me. I now have a clearer sense of my responsibilities and how to navigate ethical challenges. The feedback from trainers was invaluable. It helped me identify my strengths and areas for improvement, leading to significant skill enhancement", added another visibly pleased participant.

Journalists testify to the importance of training

UNDP/Mateus Fotine

Journalists testify to the importance of training

UNDP/Mateus Fotine

This training series represents a significant step towards enhancing the role of media in promoting democratic elections. By equipping journalists with the necessary skills and knowledge, we aim to foster a more informed and engaged electorate, ultimately strengthening the democratic process.


Notes to editors:

About the UNDP Democracy and Elections Project:

  • Developed based on the formal request of the Government of Mozambique, the recommendation of the Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) conducted by the United Nations in April 2021 and other documents, the ‘Strengthening Democracy and Electoral Processes in Mozambique’ is a four-year UNDP project designed to strengthen the democratic and electoral system in Mozambique and builds on previous electoral support and lessons from past electoral processes.
  • The project is aligned with the UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD) and the Government of Mozambique's Five-Year Plan 2020-2024 (Programa Quinquenal do Governo, PQG).