Poverty Dynamics Report in Namibia


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Poverty Dynamics Report in Namibia

October 17, 2013

This report presents an up-to-date comparative analysis of poverty patterns and trends in Namibia, based on the results of the Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Surveys (NHIES). The NHIES is a comprehensive survey collecting data on income, consumption and expenditure patterns of households. Three survey undertakings have been completed since independence (1993/1994. 2003/2004 and 2009/2010), with each survey covering a twelve months period. This report focuses on all three survey rounds, tracing poverty trends in Namibia between 1993 and 2010. The report presents poverty incidence and poverty gaps for both poor and severely poor. It further cross-examines poverty by educational attainment, sources of income and access to services. It aims at providing poverty evidence for planners and policy makers to design appropriate poverty interventions.

Document Type
Regions and Countries