Environmental Governance Programme

Integrating environment and human rights into the governance of the mining sector

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Digging deeper for sustainable mining

In 2014, UNDP and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency(link is external) launched the Environmental Governance Programme for Sustainable Natural Resource Management(link is external), focusing on the mining sector (EGP-Mining). 

The EGP-Mining draws upon the combined governance, environmental and extractive sector expertise of the two agencies and their partners to support countries to integrate environment and human rights into the governance of the mining sector. 

Using the nexus between the environment and human rights as a lens, the EGP-Mining takes an integrated approach to sustainable natural resource management, that focuses on addressing the drivers of conflict, environmental degradation, inequality, exclusion, and poverty simultaneously.   

Environmental Governance Programme - Mining

Programme and geographic focus

The EGP-Mining is now in its second phase from 2020-2023. It provides policy advice and programme support to Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Mongolia, Namibia, Peru and Zambia.

The EGP-Mining:

Environmental Governance Programme - mining EPG

Partners and supporters

EPG Mining - Partners and supporters