EU for Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Resilience Strengthening in the Republic of Serbia

Disasters can pose threat to human lives and affect Serbia’s economic and environmental standing, diminish the country’s development potential and constitute a risk to economic and social stability. INFORM Global Crisis Severity Index with an average score of 3.5 places Serbia in the group of medium-risk and rather stable countries. Although the applied INFORM methodology assesses Serbian vulnerability as moderately low, it still recognizes institutional and governance shortcomings (scored with 5.2) and DRR (5.7) as having undermining impact on the overall coping capacity. The critical problem of the Serbian Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management System is the fragmentation of the institutional framework, procedures, and insufficient capacities at the central and local level for adequate prevention, preparedness and response to emergency needs of the communities and population.


To contribute to reducing vulnerability to disasters and to increase the country’s resilience to climate change. 


• Improving capacities at the national and local level for preparedness and response in case of accidents and disasters through upgrading infrastructural and human capacities,

• Improving the institutional coordination at the horizontal and vertical level, upgrading technical and operational capacities,

• Contributing to advanced cooperation across sectors and enabling a faster, better coordinated and more effective response to natural and man-made disasters.

Download a short summary of the project or find out more in the Project Document Ammendement.