Financing for Development and UNDP

DownloadFinancing for Development and UNDP
July 9, 2015
UNDP has a large portfolio of work on financing for development (FfD); from supporting countries to access and programme environmental finance, to working with aid providers and recipients to exchange knowledge and make development cooperation more effective, to carrying out research and policy advice on debt sustainability, to maximizing the potential of private finance. We are also involved in a wide range of important and much-valued partnerships.
This brief provides a snapshot of some of our work on FfD including:
Environmental finance; The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC); regional platforms on financing for development; International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI); UNDP, philanthropists and social investors; remittances and diaspora investments strengthening domestic budgets for sustainable development; South-South and Triangular Cooperation; debt sustainability; extractive industries; finance for reducing disaster risk; and financial inclusion.