UNDP in Latin America and the Caribbean

Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery

Risk Knowledge


Risks arise from the combination of hazards, exposure of people and assets to the hazards and their vulnerabilities and coping capacities at a particular location. Assessments of these risks require systematic collection and analysis of data and should consider the dynamics and compounding impacts of hazards coupled with vulnerabilities that arise from processes such as unplanned urbanization, rural land-use change, environmental degradation and climate change.

Risk is also dependent on the resources and capacities available to manage the risk, the actual impacts and their consequences. Human interaction and behavioural study of reactions to different hazards can also provide insights to better manage the emergency in real-time. Therefore, the risk assessment must include an assessment of the community’s gender differentiated coping and adaptive capacities.

Risk assessments and related maps help to motivate people, prioritise needs and interventions and guide preparations for disaster risk management measures, including prevention, preparedness and response. This section provides guidance relating to the systematic collection of data and undertaking of risk assessments.

