Support To Security and Justice Sector Governance In Iraq

Title: Support to Security and Justice Sector Governance in Post- Conflict Iraq
Status: Ongoing
Duration: 2019-2022
Budget: $US18.5 million
Coverage: 7 Governorates (Anbar, Baghdad, Basra, Diyala, Karbala, Ninewa and Salah al-Din)
SDG: SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Partners: The Government of Iraq 


Programme Summary

Since 2015, at the request of the Government of Iraq, UNDP has played a leading role in Security (and Justice) Sector Reform (SSR) in Iraq; within the framework led by the Office of the National Security Advisor (ONSA). 

As a critical element to establish long-term stability in Iraq, and prevent the resurgence of conflict, the overall programme strategy stems from the assumption that security is a pre-condition for sustainable development (SDG Goal 16). Security sector transformation is essential for Iraq’s transition from a state engaged in protracted conflict to a post-conflict period of recovery and development. UNDP’s strategy supports a national programmatic shift away from immediate humanitarian and stabilization activities to a long-term approach focusing on sustained public security, effective security and justice sector governance and lasting stability. Taking a common approach, the multi-year programme (2019-2022) supports coordination and implementation with the Government of Iraq and international partners to facilitate the achievement of the national and local level Security Sector Reform Programme (SSRP) – key activities include the following:

  • Technical advice and assistance to improve state security and justice provision for better security and stronger public trust in state capacity to maintain security from day-to-day public safety to combating serious crime;
  • Technical advice on overall Implementation of Iraqi's Security Sector Reform Programme (SSRP) and international partner coordination;
  • Support the implementation of SSRP system priority Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement;
  • Small grants to Local CSOs to develop police - public collaborative partnerships to address local safety issues;
  • Vocational training support to returnee volunteer fighters to advance their socio- economic conditions.



What we have achieved so far

1. Technical Support to advance GoI SSR efforts: 

  • Iraq's National Security Strategy and its corresponding Security Sector Reform Programme are in place and operational. Iraqi interlocutors, with technical advice from UNDP, developed these policy documents;
  • Ongoing technical advice and assistance to the implementation of SSRP including international partner coordination.

2. Technical support to implement Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement system:

  • Local Police Road Map and common Standard Operating Procedures on Criminal Investigations are developed and Operational. Iraqi interlocutors developed both these policy documents with technical advice from UNDP;
  • Design and delivery of specialized training courses to Iraqi local police and criminal investigators on identified skill-building priorities necessary to implement the Local Police Road Map and the common SoP i.e. Mid Level Police Management, Improving Effectiveness of Local Policing (IELP) and Criminal Investigations; 
  • Empowered local Civil Society Organisations to develop public/police collaborative partnerships through quick impact project grant scheme;
  • Design and development of a 'model police station' pilot initiative that will focus on citizens' equal access to safety and security at local leve

3. Community Security Integration Pilot (CSIP):

Promoted the security-development nexus through vocational training support to 100 volunteer fighters to reintegrate back to their societies and improve their socio- economic conditions; rehabilitation of Al Qurna vocational training center and, and psychosocial support services.