Capitalisation report of the pilot implementation in the region of Elbasan

Capitalisation report of the pilot implementation in the region of Elbasan

Capitalisation report of the pilot implementation in the region of Elbasan

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Capitalisation report of the pilot implementation in the region of Elbasan

March 30, 2023

Capitalisation report of the pilot implementation in the region of Elbasan towards integrated case management approaches for vulnerable jobseekers, supporting pathways from social assistance to sustainable employment.

Under the framework of the ‘Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans II” regional project, implemented by UNDP with the financial contribution of the Austrian Development Cooperation, UNDP Albania has worked with the National Agency for Employment and Skills (NAES) and municipal actor to design an Integrated Case Management model (ICM), a targeted and inclusive package of social and employment services, in line with the specific and individual needs of the marginalized communities. The package has been piloted in the municipalities of the region of Elbasan, through financial support to third parties and the full experience has been capitalized in this report.