Former MILF combatants and women leaders graduate from Australia-supported School of Peace and Democracy-Bangsamoro as peace leaders

July 12, 2023
UNDP Philippines


Cotabato City - 174 leaders from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) completed their training under the School of Peace and Democracy (SPD) – Bangsamoro, which is being supported by the Australian Government, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Bangsamoro Government. 


The SPD-Bangsamoro program was initiated to accompany the transformation of the former combatants from armed struggle to civilian socio-political leadership and to mainstream the transitioning combatants into socio-political inclusion and participation.

During the graduation ceremony, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim - represented by Senior Minister Abunawas Maslamama - highlighted the significance of the transformative journey of the former MILF combatants from armed struggle to civilian socio-political leadership. 

"Four years ago, the Bangsamoro people ratified the organic law, which paved the way for the realization of our long-held dreams and aspirations in restoring our identity as proud Bangsamoro… This (School of Peace and Democracy- Bangsamoro) is also one of our ways of achieving our vision for our people during this transitional government: peaceful, cohesive and active political participation. To add to this, this will not only empower our MILF-BIAF top commanders and MILF women leaders, but will definitely serve as an avenue to amplify their voices to be active and productive members of our communities," said Senior Minister Maslamama. 

In March 2020, the School of Peace and Democracy-Bangsamoro or SPD was launched through the collaboration of the Bangsamoro Government, UNDP Philippines and the Australian Embassy in the Philippines. The SPD-Bangsamoro sought to support the Bangsamoro Government at two levels; First, to assist BARMM leaders to acquire and apply capacities for accountable and collaborative governance, and second, to assist former combatants to make the transition to peaceful civilian lives and to play leadership roles in their respective communities. 

Among the officials that extended their congratulations to the SPD-Bangsamoro graduates was Mr. James Yeomans, Counsellor of the Political and Economic Section of the Australian Embassy in the Philippines. In his message, Counsellor Yeomans noted that: "The road towards an effective autonomous region is complex and difficult and at the forefront of this challenge is the Bangsamoro government and all its leaders and stakeholders. We hope that the governance and administration capabilities you have learned will be an important contribution to the development of this region."

“This occasion is not just a celebration of personal achievements, it is a celebration of hope, resilience, and the power of education. The Bangsamoro School of Peace and Democracy has provided a platform to these individuals to not only gain knowledge but also develop the necessary skills and tools to become agents of peace. It has empowered them to envision a future where peace and democracy reign supreme,” shared by Mr. Hisham S. Nando, Executive Director of the Development Academy of the Bangsamoro (DAB), one of the main implementing partners for the SPD-Bangsamoro. 

For his part, Minister Akmad Brahim of the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Energy (MENRE), and MILF Co-Chair for the Joint Normalization Committee, referred to the SPD-Graduates as instruments of hope for the Bangsamoro people, “Kayo ang mga pag-asa. Isa kayong kasangkapan ng pag-asa ng Bangsamoro people.” (You are the hope. You are one of the instruments of hope of the Bangsamoro people.”)

From 2022-2023, the SPD-Bangsamoro continued its second wave of implementation, under the leadership of the Peace, Security and Reconciliation Office (PSRO) and the Development Academy of the Bangsamoro. This second wave of implementation was implemented based on an enhanced curriculum composed of three (3) phases focused on personal and community resilience, conflict resolution and mediation, leadership and social movement building. "One of our mandates is to help all MILF members transition to peaceful and productive civilian lives. This is our commitment to the Bangsamoro," said Mr. Anwar Alamada, Executive Director of the Peace, Security, and Reconciliation Office of the BARMM. For his part, Sheikh Hisham Nando, Executive Director of the DAB, remarked that the SPD-Bangsamoro "has provided a platform for these individuals to not only gain knowledge but also to develop the necessary skills and tools to become agents of change" and "has empowered them to envision a future where peace and democracy reign supreme.

"The graduation, with the support of all the MILF base commands from all the camps in Mindanao, manifests the success of the School of Peace and Democracy-Bangsamoro and felt the impact of the confidence built. I pray that development will also follow, that there will be a program to sustain the peace and resilience that they have gained," noted by Noraida M. Datumanong, Chief Education Program Specialist of DAB

MP Eng. Aida M. Silongan, member of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority and BARMM Minister of Science and Technology, addressed the graduates and said that: "this chapter in your life, the completion of the short course that you went through, can be seen as a triumph and a challenge to continue working to attain peace and development, not only in the communities in the Bangsamoro, but also for the whole Philippines."

During the implementation of the SPD-Bangsamoro, former MILF combatants and women leaders also enlisted into four specialization tracks namely, facilitation, mediation, community development, and religious affairs. Reflecting on his experience as one of the graduates, Mr. Malik J. Caril, core member of the MILF Coordinating Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities (CCCH) in Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi (ZAMBASULTA), said: “People in our communities need to understand that sustaining peace takes time and requires hard work. Through the SPD-Bangsamoro, we have accepted that if the armed struggle was long and difficult, the political struggle is much more difficult and challenging."

BARMM officials, MILF leaders from different base commands, members of the peace mechanisms supporting the Government of the Philippines-Moro Islamic Liberation Front (GPH-MILF) peace process, and representatives from civil society organizations and the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation, and Unity, attended the recognition ceremony. 

"Your graduation today is just the beginning of your journey to becoming active participants in building the Bangsamoro government. Let us not be passive recipients of government programs and services. We have the power to shape and influence the kind of government we want," explained Atty. Naguib G. Sinarimbo, Minister of the Interior and Local Government (MILG). 

For his part, Dr. Selva Ramachandran, UNDP Philippines Resident Representative, stressed the importance of sustaining the learning program for MILF leaders, especially during the last two years of the BARMM transition period. "We look forward to the institutionalization of the SPD-Bangsamoro under the Peace, Security, and Reconciliation Office of the BARMM, with continuing technical and operational assistance from the Development Academy of Bangsamoro and UNDP Philippines," he said. 

Ramachandran assured the BARMM government leaders and former MILF commanders turned SPD-Bangsamoro graduates that UNDP Philippines will continue to support them in cascading SPD-Bangsamoro into MILF camps and communities based on the action plans developed across the four tracks of SPD-Bangsamoro. 




About the Project 

The School of Peace and Democracy (SPD) - Bangsamoro was implemented by UNDP Philippines under the Sustainability, Transformation, Accompaniment, and Inclusion (SUSTAIN-Peace): An Integrated Approach to Sustaining Peace and Development in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) with support from the Australian Embassy in the Philippines.