About Us
UNDP in the Philippines
UNDP has been working to ensure better lives for the Filipino people since 1965, and has been committed to helping the country achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as national development priorities as set out in the Philippine Development Plan and the UN Philippines Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development.
The Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (SBAA), signed on 21 July 1977, provided an early framework for UNDPs work in the country as well as the ongoing legal basis for UNDPs operations in the Philippines.
Today, it continues to strengthen the country’s capacities at the national and local levels to promote democratic governance, sustainable management of natural resources, climate change adaptation and disaster risk management, and resilience and peacebuilding. In all its programmes, UNDP integrates human rights and gender equality, believing that everyone should have equal access to the benefits of development.
What do we want to accomplish?
UNDP’s Country Programme Document (2024 - 2028) is closely aligned with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2024-2028. The programme builds on the position of UNDP as a trusted partner in the Philippines. It supports the Government in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals as a blueprint for Ambisyon Natin 2040, the long-term vision for a strongly rooted, comfortable and secure life for all people.
The CPD 2024 – 2028 focuses on three key areas of intervention: 1.) human capital development, inclusion, and resilience building; 2.) sustainable economic development, innovation, and decent work; and 3.) climate action, environmental sustainability, and disaster resilience.
UNDP emphasizes human rights, gender equality, empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable populations, and innovation as fundamental, guiding principles throughout its work.
UNDP partners with many government agencies and development stakeholders throughout the Philippines. The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) serves as UNDP’s government counterparts, while many other nation and local agencies act as implementing partners for its projects. UNDP also works with international partners, the private sector and civil society organizations for the implementation of UNDP’s programmes.
Country Programme Document 2024 - 2028
Our Portfolio
Our team
The UNDP Country Office in the Philippines is led by the following officials:
Our Commitment to Gender Equality
Making gender equality a reality is a core commitment of UNDP. UNDP recognizes that women empowerment and gender equality is vital to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which envisions a world of universal respect for human rights and human dignity, where every woman and girl enjoys full gender equality, free from the legal, social and economic barriers to their empowerment. UNDP Philippines integrates gender equality principles across its all areas of work: sustainable development, democratic governance and peace-building, and climate action.
Our Goal
UNDP's goal is to contribute to advancement of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Philippines. By advancing gender equality and empowering women as leaders and active actors in the development processes so they can shape their lives, UNDP envisages a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient world.
Read more about UNDP's Gender Equality Strategy 2022 - 2025. This strategy describes the future direction of UNDP work on gender equality and the empowerment of women, complementing the Strategic Plan, 2022-2025. The challenge for the next four years will be to help governments shift systems and power structures that generate gender inequalities and women's disempowerment.
Contact Us
The United Nations Development Programme is located at:
15th Floor North Tower, Rockwell Business Center Sheridan, Sheridan Street corner United Street, Highway Hills, 1554 Mandaluyong CityPhilippines
General Inquiries:
Email: registry.ph@undp.org
Postal Address: P.O. Box 7285 Domestic Airport
Post Office Locker Box, 1300 Domestic Road
Pasay City, Philippines
Media Inquiries:
Charlene Erica Balaan, Country Office Communications Analyst, charlene.balaan@undp.org
Vacancies and Internships:
Email: humanresources.ph@undp.org
Procurement and Bids:
Email: procurement.ph@undp.org