Legal framework

Programme Documents:

Standard Basic Framework Agreement (SBBA)  

Signed on 21 July 1977, The Standard Basic Framework Agreement (SBBA) provided an early framework for UNDPs work in the country as well as the ongoing legal basis for UNDPs operations in the Philippines.

Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development (PFSD) 2019-2023

The Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development (PFSD) 2019-2023 (link is external)defines the specific thrusts and priorities of the UN system in the Philippines. It takes into consideration where and how the UN's engagement as advocate and neutral convener, catalyst, and coordinator can best support national development priorities. The 2019-2023 PFSD is the first Philippines-UN country plan that redefines the nature of UN system engagement in the Philippines from one that provides "development assistance" to a collaboration in a strategic partnership.

Philippine Country Programme Documents (CPD) 2019-2023

The UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD) 2019-2023(link is external) is the binding legal agreement between UNDP and the Government of the Philippines. It benefited from broad-based consultations with all relevant stakeholders and is fully aligned with the country's mid- and long-term development goals, as detailed in the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022(link is external) and Ambisyon Natin - Our Ambition - 2040(link is external). It is anchored in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 2019-2023 PFSD. The CPD is submitted to and approved by UNDP's Executive Board.