Project Brief CE


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Project Brief CE

July 21, 2023

The circular economy (CE) project at UNDP Indonesia has been initiated since 2021, starting with the initial assessment of circular economy benefits in five priority sectors in Indonesia. The study was a significant step for the Government of Indonesia (GoI) and followed by the plan to continue developing the strategy to include CE in the Medium-term (RPJMN 2025 - 2029) and the Long-term (RPJPN 2025 – 2045) National Development Planning documents. Some other progress have been made, that includes activity in strengthening policy and capacity building among the CE stakeholders and additional studies to support CE action plan.

UNDP is committed to keep supporting GoI in developing the National Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), to pave the way for stakeholders on accelerating transition of CE implementation in Indonesia. CEAP is expected to provide clear directions and increase collaborations among key actors in achieving the vision and goals of CE. Along with the development of CEAP, it is also important to create an enabling environment for CE transition and demonstrate CE practices to be scaled-up and mainstreamed in the country.