Regional Gender Equality Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean 2023-2025

"UNDP is committed to a comprehensive institutional transformation to ensure that gender equality is mainstreamed in all of our programmes ensuring that women's experiences, needs and contributions are taken into account in all development efforts."
Michelle Muschett, UNDP Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean


UNDP Regional Gender Equality Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean 2023-2025

UNDP's commitment to gender equality is an integral part of our efforts to realize a just, equal and sustainable region and to enable the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Regional Gender Equality Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean 2023-2025 is committed to an ambitious, strategic and transformative agenda for gender equality and the empowerment of women in all their diversity.



Regional context: Crisis and opportunities

Multidimensional crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, persistent inequalities and an increase in democratic fragility and weakness in several countries in the region have exacerbated gender inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Directions of change

This Strategy pursues three interconnected directions of change that set the course for our regional roadmap for gender equality.


Achieving equality requires a commitment from everyone.

Achieving gender equality requires the commitment of multiple actors at the regional level.

UNDP's partnerships with UN System agencies (UN Women, ECLAC, ILO, UN Environment, UNFPA, UNICEF, FAO), multilateral organisations, feminist organisations, civil society and the women's movement, academia and International Financial Institutions in the region will be key to the implementation of the Regional Strategy for Gender Equality 2023-2025.