Call for Proposals: Sustainable biodiversity management of Weto landscape in the volta region of Ghana.
Call for Proposals: Sustainable biodiversity management of Weto landscape in the volta region of Ghana.
August 30, 2023
The GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) announces the 2023 "call for proposals" to award small grants of up to US$50,000 under COMDEKS 4 programme to non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and community groups. The purpose of the grant is to further expand and ensure sustainability of the sound biodiversity management, governance, and sustainable livelihood activities with local communities in the Weto socio-ecological production landscape in the Volta Region. The focus of the COMDEKS phase 4 grant is on:
1) Strategic and participatory model of conservation activities in diverse ecosystems
2) Promoting activities that could lead to the formulation of relevant national and local policies and strategies (including the implementation of the OECM based on CBD guidelines)
3) Implementing activities that could lead to the deterrence or reduction of zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19 (conservation and management of ecosystems and wildlife, etc.) and,
4) Implementing activities that contribute to establishing a circular economy (realization of a decarbonized society, promotion of renewable energy, climate change adaptation, promotion of recycling, etc.). Please refer to the attached Project Document (Annex 3) for further details.