Under the motto #ChanceForAll, in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Operational Plan for Active Labour Programmes and Measures on the Labour Market for 2024 was officially promoted. This year's plan covers around 15,000 beneficiaries with a total budget of 2 billion denars.
In creating the Operational Plan for Active Labour Programmes and Measures on the Labor Market as a strategic document and plan to increase employment and employability among unemployed individuals, the main goal of all involved parties is to establish a functional and flexible platform for the implementation of measures and programs, offering a chance for all.
Vulnerable categories of unemployed individuals remain one of the priority goals of the OP, emphasizing the general commitment to equal opportunities for all.
Minister Velkovski stated: "The main focus will be on the employment of the most vulnerable categories of citizens, long-term unemployed young people, women, Roma, etc. Support for the direct employment of 150 persons with disabilities is provided through a special fund."
Special focus will be placed on supporting the development of domestic enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, aiming for their digital transformation and the introduction of new green investments.
Armen Grigoryan emphasized that creating a dynamic, free, and competitive labor market stimulates the opening and creation of high-quality, raising the living standards of citizens and better-paid job positions. “Since 2009, UNDP works with the Government, donors, private sector, NGOs and other relevant partners to promote the Operational plan for active labour programmes as an employment and economic - led development strategic document.
Empowering youth, women, people with disabilities continue to be our focus areas for introducing new innovative employment schemes projecting potential better incomes and contributing towards more inclusive and equitable societies. Moreover, social, and economic inclusion of the most vulnerable must go hand in hand with Government priorities fostering growth, and creation of new decent employments”. – he stated.
At the moment, several attractive measures have already been opened, and others are expected to start in the upcoming period.