Trial Monitoring First Report

Trial Monitoring First Report

June 4, 2024

The Trial Monitoring First Report is a product of the Trial Monitoring Programme - a collaboration between UNDP’s Anti-Corruption and Arbitration Initiatives (ACAI), the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq’s (UNAMI) Human Rights Office, and Iraq’s Supreme Judicial Council, generously funded by the European Union. The Trial Monitoring Programme monitors grand corruption cases across Federal Iraq’s judicial system, focusing on the Central Anti-Corruption Criminal Court (CACC), assessing judicial practice, legislation, procedure, and outcomes, and offering actionable recommendations for anti-corruption reform.

Between August 2022 and July 2023, trial monitoring officers observed a total of 184 cases. The outcomes of these cases have been contrasted against the study of 173 verdicts issued between the CACC between 2019 and 2022.

Document Type
Regions and Countries