Solar power systems revitalize Dar Saad's schools: local leadership for enhanced services delivery

September 11, 2024
a group of people sitting at a table

A school student at a classroom

UNDP Yemen / 2023

In the bustling district of Dar Saad, nestled within Aden Governorate power outages at schools were an unremitting challenge, plunging classrooms into dimness and leaving over 7,000 school boys and girls and their teachers to struggle in a stifling environment that was far from conducive to learning. The challenge was clear, something had to be done.

Both, students and teachers attending classes under dim lighting and heat.

UNDP Yemen / 2023
“The power outages were unbearable. Some students even fainted from the heat.” Ms. Mayada remarked.
a person sitting on a desk

A teacher at one of the one of the targeted schools under local authorities solar power installation project.

UNDP Yemen / 2023

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the local authorities of the Dar Saad district took action to bring electricity to schools. They understood that a lasting solution was needed. 

Director of Dar Saad District Discusses Project Details with the Project Team.

UNDP Yemen / 2023

With support from the Strengthening Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen (SIERY) Project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP in partnership with Yemen Aid, local authorities installed solar energy systems with a total capacity of 93,000 watts. This initiative benefited eight schools and the Ministry of Education office, enhancing their energy resilience and sustainability.

During the Installation of solar energy system for the school

UNDP Yemen / 2024

As the solar panels were installed, along with new fans, electrical lines, switches, and solar systems, the schools underwent a remarkable transformation. Classrooms that were once dark and dull were transformed into bright, inviting spaces where students could concentrate on their studies without distraction. 

a room with blue light

Bright Classroom and Cooling Fans

UNDP Yemen / 2024

The atmosphere in the schools changed dramatically, with both students and teachers visibly more engaged. The joy of learning returned to the classrooms, marking a significant shift in the educational environment.

Students are enjoying a comfy environment

UNDP Yemen / 2024
"We now feel comfortable and focused. The number of students has grown, and drop out rates have significantly diminished." a student from one of the schools said.

A particularly touching moment during the project was when Zainab School principal, Ms. Hanaa, stood on the roof between the newly installed solar panels. “This was a dream for the school,” she said.

The impact of this initiative carried out by Dar Saad local authorities will be felt throughout generations, proving that with the right support and collaboration, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome. 

a man standing in front of a building

The project is completed.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

None of this would have been possible without the generous support of the European Union.