
United in Gender Equality



A gender-equal Montenegro, where women and men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, enjoy equal opportunities.


The Project is designed to enhance Montenegro’s government’s capacities to promote gender equality and apply gender mainstreaming across strategic, legislative and policy frameworks and state programmes and development plans.  

Technical assistance and gender mainstreaming support will be informed by gender analyses, and guided by tools, methods, and knowledge products, ensuring dialogue. This will help to channel political will and commitment of the highest-ranking public officials into concrete actions and help support the reinforcement of Montenegro’s gender equality infrastructure. 


In 2021, the Government of Montenegro has adopted the National Strategy for Gender Equality which focuses on a number of strategic objectives in accordance with SDG 2030 and Beijing Platform for Action commitments, among which is gender mainstreaming in the work of governing institutions priority field of work. 

In practice, women are still in an unfavourable position, as demonstrated by the Gender Equality Index in Montenegro. This tool, developed by European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and used to measure inequalities in EU Member States and pre-accession countries, revealed deep-rooted inequalities. Even though the Gender Equality Index in Montenegro for 2023 is 59.3, indicating progress from 2019's value of 55.0, compared to the EU-27's index of 68.6, Montenegro still records a lower value by 9.3 index points, revealing persistent gender inequalities. 

Project Outcome

Outcome: Improved gender equality and social justice in Montenegro through enhanced women's leadership in justice and security, supported by evidence-informed policy discourse. 

  • Result 1: Increased knowledge on gender equality and integration of gender dimensions into daily work practices and policy development

  • Result 2: Gender mainstreaming realised across strategic priorities of the Government

  • Result 3: Strengthened normative framework for gender machinery and gender mainstreaming