Baseline Assessment of Barriers to Women's Participation and Leadership in Political Life in Uzbekistan

Baseline Assessment of Barriers to Women's Participation and Leadership in Political Life in Uzbekistan

September 20, 2024

2024 is the biggest election year in human history. 3.7 billion people have the opportunity to go to the polls in 72 countries. For decades UNDP has been working with countries to strengthen democratic processes, provide electoral assistance, advance women’s participation in politics and promote information integrity.


In a 'super year' of elections UNDP Uzbekistan conducted a “Baseline Assessment of Barriers to Women's Participation and Leadership in Political Life in Uzbekistan”.


The purpose of the baseline assessment was to identify challenges and obstacles for women’s political empowerment. The assessment covered almost all regions of the country and helped to understand low participation of women in leadership, identify stereotypes that are hindering women’s political participation in local and national political processes.


The assessment carried out through workshops, focus group discussions and desk research of existing legislation in the development of women leadership and increasing the role of women in the political life of the country. Based on the baseline assessment recommendations on supporting women leaders, deputies, and ensuring women’s full participation and equal opportunities at all levels of political and public life have been developed.

Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals