A large group of professionals poses together on stairs, smiling, in formal attire.


This project addresses the intersection of environmental justice and human rights in North Macedonia, with a specific focus on strengthening the role of the Ombudsman’s Office. The anticipated project impact is to contribute to safeguarding environmental rights for all people, with a primary focus on those in vulnerable situations.

The main outcome of the project is to strengthen the Ombudsperson’s impact on environmental justice, fostering the protection, advancement, and promotion of environmental human rights in North Macedonia, particularly for vulnerable groups. To achieve this, the initiative employed a rights-based and gender-sensitive approach structured around four specific outputs.

Donor:              TriPartite Partnership to Support National Human Rights Institutions between UNDP, OHCHR, and GANHRI with support from Norway

Duration:          February 2024 – June 2025

Budget:            89,000.00 USD

Key Activities and Achievements

Training of Trainers (ToT) on Environmental Justice

On-the-Job Training and Mentorship Program

Roundtable on Enhancing Cooperation in Environmental Justice

Study Visit to the Spanish Ombudsperson Office

Training on International Human Rights Mechanisms and Environmental Justice

International Conference on Human Rights and the Environment

Media Engagement and Public Awareness Campaign