Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
November 4, 2016
The Report aims to inform the UNFCCC parties, decision makers and the Albanian public on the current trends of the climate change and its consequences, provide an inventory of GHG emissions and flows and describe the ability of Albania to contribute to mitigation and adaptation. This is the country’s obligation as a non-annex 1 party to UNFCCC.
Albania‘s third GHG inventory (2000 – 2009) covers all sources and sinks as well as all gases as mandated by Climate Change Convention. It looks into five main sectors such as energy, industrial processes, agriculture, waste, and land use change & forestry (LUCF) and direct GHGs such as: CO2, CH4 and N2O and indirect GHGs such as: CO, NOx, SO2 and NMVOC.
Total direct GHG emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) for Albania for the base year 2005 amounted to 8,863.3 Gg of CO2 equivalent, with the main contributor the energy/transport sectors accounting for 52,28% % of overall emissions in 2005 followed by Agriculture (15.83%), Industrial processes (12.61%), LUCF (11.91%) and Waste (7.37%). The Report reveals that emissions from the LUCF sector are diminishing sharply towards 2008 - 2009, while the Industrial Processes sector is increasing its emissions.