One UN Programme (2009 - 2013)
One UN Programme (2009 - 2013)
February 13, 2015
One UN Programme I (2009 - 2013)
Pakistan was the largest of eight pilot countries for ‘Delivering as One’, an initiative designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the UN. The Pakistan UN One Programme I (OP-I) was launched in February 2009, initially to run for two years but later extended to five years. OP-I united 19 resident UN agencies and one non-resident agency and provided support to development initiatives of the Government of Pakistan through five Joint Programmes on: Agriculture, Rural Development and Poverty Reduction (ARP); Disaster Risk Management (DRM); Education; Environment; and Health and Population, with four crosscutting issues of Gender Equality, Civil Society Engagement, Human Rights and Refugees. With official closure of OP-I in 2012, 2013 was a transition year for UN Agencies in Pakistan: on one hand, the year saw the launch of the UN One Programme II (2013-2017), on the other, some Agencies continued with OP-I activities to make use of unutilized funds until December 2013.