ABDE-UNDP Methodology


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ABDE-UNDP Methodology

24 de May de 2024

Progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is the result of a
consensus among the 193 Member Countries of the United Nations, depends largely
on the financial sector and especially on all the institutions comprising the Brazilian
National Development Financial System (NDFS). The 2030 Agenda, which guides
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is an invitation for these institutions to
address the world’s main challenges, while pointing to the strategic alignment of
their capacities with the needs to transition to a new development paradigm.

Recognising the importance of developing taxonomies and standardised
methodologies that make it possible to understand and report the distribution of
financial resources from the NDFS across the SDGs, in 2021 the Brazilian Development
Association (ABDE) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
created the project Formulation project and the implementation of a methodology
to verify the alignment of the NDFS with the 2030 Agenda (ABDE-UNDP SDG Project).
The aim of the initiative was to measure the contribution of the NDFS institutions to
the 2030 Agenda by mapping and classifying the resources made available by the
NDFS towards the 17 SDGs. Therefore, the ABDE-UNDP Methodology for Aligning the
Brazilian National Development Financial System with the SDGs, resulting from this
initiative, is an novel effort to map and classify actions, programmes and products
for financing sustainable development.