ONE UN Rwanda Resident Coordinator is co-chairing the retreat. Photo: UNDP/Olney Daly
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Hon. John Rwangombwa opened a 2-day Strategic Joint Planning Retreat with development partners to debate on the overarching strategic orientation of the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) II and the contribution of development partners in support to national priorities, which will form the basis of the Joint Development Partners’ responses to the EDPRSII.
In his welcoming remarks, the Resident Coordinator of the One UN/ Resident Representative of UNDP-Rwanda and co-chair of the Development Partners Coordination Group (DPCG), Mr. Lamin Manneh, commended the Government and the people of Rwanda for the “remarkable economic, political, and social progress the country continued to make over the last five years”. He said that he has “always been personally inspired by Rwanda’s proactive, dynamic, and innovative approach to national development, poverty reduction, and nurturing of durable stability”. He also emphasized the importance of a vibrant private sector, equitable and deepened regional integration, sustainable urbanization, decent employment creation, equitable and quality service provision, adequate investment in human capital development, and effective mechanisms to mitigate climate change and risks as some of the key pillars to economic and social transformational change in Rwanda.
The EDPRS II elaboration process was initiated in February 2012 by the Government of Rwanda. Through technical and financial support, UNDP has contributed in the drafting and implementation of the 1st phase of the EDPRS and in the drafting of the document of EDPRS II. UNDP is also supporting this joint planning retreat which promotes consultation with development partners into national development and contributes to the improvement of the aid effectiveness framework.
The second phase of the EDPRS is informed by the findings of two surveys: the Integrated Household Living Survey (EICV3) and the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS4), and it will run from 2013-2017, with the prime objective of enhancing economic growth and improving the wellbeing of all citizens. “We welcome the key strategic orientation of the EDPRSII which places emphasis on the creation of transformation capacity for value-addition in productive sectors through dramatically shifting from factor-driven growth to efficiency and innovative –driven growth as well as through the expansion of the domestic revenue base”.
The retreat is organized by the Government of Rwanda with the following objectives:
(1) Review the status and update the EDPRSII process;
(2) Strategic orientation of the EDPRSII and emerging thematic priorities;
(3) Discuss on the strategic orientation in terms of key emerging issues of four emerging thematic priority areas: (a) economic transformation; (b) rural development; (c) productivity and youth employment; and (d) accountable governance;
(4) Discuss on the outcomes and key issues emerging from the sector strategy formulation; and
(5) Discuss on planned development partner’s contribution in support to the strategic orientation and national priorities emerging from the EDPRSII process and to further discuss some key challenges and issues for further consideration and actions.
For more information contact UNDP Rwanda
UNDP Communication Analyst
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