CAP-IT Samoa Activity 1.1 - Review and Update of Samoa's Legislative and Policy Framework in Support of a National Transition to Low-Carbon Land and Maritime Transport - Final Report

CAP-IT Samoa Activity 1.1 - Review and Update of Samoa's Legislative and Policy Framework in Support of a National Transition to Low-Carbon Land and Maritime Transport - Final Report
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DownloadCAP-IT Samoa Activity 1.1 - Review and Update of Samoa's Legislative and Policy Framework in Support of a National Transition to Low-Carbon Land and Maritime Transport - Final Report
July 15, 2024
The Climate Action Pathways for Island Transport (CAP-IT) Project, funded by Japan and implemented by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), aims to accelerate Samoa's climate change mitigation efforts by transitioning the country's land and maritime transport sectors towards decarbonization. According to the 2020 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory, Samoa’s transport sector is the highest contributor to Samoa’s total GHG emissions. The CAP-IT project explores the opportunities to transform transportation, reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels, improve air quality, and promote sustainable and resilient transport systems to achieve Samoa’s Second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Samoa aims to reduce its overall greenhouse gas emissions by 26% in 2030 when benchmarked against the 2007 levels.
The report outlines the proposed decarbonisation initiatives which came out of stakeholder consultations that were conducted with relevant government agencies, private sector, NGOs, and members of the community. A gap analysis was undertaken to identify which relevant policies and legislations need amendment to enable the implementation of proposed initiatives conveyed during consultations.