Report of Research for Samoa on EOL EV Battery Disposal Strategy and Solution

Report of Research for Samoa on EOL EV Battery Disposal Strategy and Solution

Report of Research for Samoa on EOL EV Battery Disposal Strategy and Solution

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Report of Research for Samoa on EOL EV Battery Disposal Strategy and Solution

October 3, 2024

Under the scheme of the Project, the sub-project Climate Action Pathways for Island Transport (CAPIT): Accelerating the Decarbonization of Samoa’s Land and Maritime Transport Sectors, started in April 2023. 

The overall objective of the CAP-IT project is to promote urgent and inclusive transformation of the land and maritime transport sectors towards decarbonisation, by accelerating the uptake of EVs and outboard motors. All in which is to support the achievement of Samoa’s enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the energy and transport sector by 2030. 

According to Samoa’s latest National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (2020), the road transport sector, largely dependent on fossil fuels, is the country’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), accounting for 27.4% of national GHG emissions. In Samoa, while the transition towards electric mobility has gained high political momentum, yet the country is grappling with a constrained infrastructural and technical capacity that is posing significant hurdles to the handling and management of EVs. To address this challenge, through a set of initiatives ranging from conducting feasibility studies, developing and implementing large-scale demonstrations, to improving capacity building, the CAP-IT project aims to support Government of Samoa to establish a solid foundation in preparedness for nationwide promotion of EVs.

Introducing the basics of EV battery technology and EOL disposal, the report will serve as a indicative document to support the Government of Samoa to develop contextualised, effective, and efficient strategies and solutions for EOL EV battery disposal in the country.