Our Focus

Economic Recovery and Institutional Development


Economic Recovery and Institutional Development (ERID)

UNDP supports capacity development to improve (a) integrated environmental governance and natural resources management; (b) the use of indigenous knowledge, eco-friendly practices and local coping mechanisms; and (c) access for women, youth, agro-pastoralists and IDPs to participate in and benefit from environmental and economic growth initiatives.

UNDP supports the development of policies that improve resilience to climate change and increase disaster risk management capacities at the federal, state and local levels; strategies to build resilience for pastoralists and agro-pastoral communities; and the establishment of early disaster warning systems, including for disease outbreaks. Boosting the adaptive capacity of pastoralists and agro-pastoralist communities through enhanced hydro-met services is a priority with a focus on early action to minimise livestock and crop losses. 

By collaborating with UN and other partners on the development of the legal and regulatory framework for the private sector and by leveraging technology and innovation, UNDP will contribute toward economic recovery and diversification, increased market access at the national, regional and global levels, and increased livelihood security and profitability.

We also support the creation of green jobs for youth, women, PWDs and IDPs; the promotion of environmentally friendly innovative businesses in key sectors across the blue, green and grey economy and capacity building for relevant entities at the federal and state levels for planning and data generation to inform the initiatives for inclusive economic growth.

UNDP supports improved access to sustainable energy sources for vulnerable communities in off-grid and remote regions by targeting female-headed households and pastoralists in the last mile. This includes helping to develop the legal and regulatory framework for the cost of energy to enable economic recovery and growth as well as partnering with the private sector to improve equitable energy access.

Together with the UN family, we work with the international community and all levels of government to promote durable solutions for IDPs through the adoption of international and regional frameworks to promote stabilization, resilience, livelihood opportunities and sustainable development.

As the globally mandated technical lead, UNDP works with the UNCT to implement the socioeconomic framework post COVID-19 through medium to long term interventions.

This programme will contribute to Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, UNDP Strategic Plan 2018-2021 signature solutions 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6  and UNCF Outcomes 3.3 and 4.2.

Download the ERID Portfolio Factsheet