UNDP Sri Lanka
Inclusive Governance
UNDP Sri Lanka’s Flagship Portfolio on SDG16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions brings together inclusive governance and peacebuilding work under one umbrella. The Portfolio is implemented by UNDP as part of its Country Programme and the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework and enables the provision of cohesive and integrated support to the Government of Sri Lanka.
This includes improving the effectiveness, responsiveness, and accountability of key institutions to deliver people-centered services; promoting inclusive, and participatory decision-making processes; and strengthening peace and reconciliation. Specifically, the portfolio contributes to the achievement of SDG 16+ targets, thus also enabling achievement of all SDGs. The portfolio intervenes across four inter-related thematic pillars:
- Voice and Representation
- Rights and Justice
- Strong and Efficient Institutions
- Social Cohesion.
Strengthening Gender Equality
Engaging with Parliament:
• Technical assistance to amend discriminatory laws against women through the Sectoral Oversight Committee (SOC) on Women and Gender. As a result three Bills have been presented to Parliament.
• Support to Parliament to implement UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security
• Dialogue forums between civil society organizations and the SOC on Women and Gender/ Select Committees, as well as the Parliament Secretariat on identified issues concerning women, peace, and security were c
Human Rights Commission/ National Police Commission/ Right to Information Commission:
• Capacity Development in the area of Gender
• Recommendations of the National Police Commission (NPC) gender studies on structural barriers with the Sri Lanka police and victim-sensitive services to be rolled out.
• Development of gender standards for the NPC
• Gender-sensitive victim-centered investigation techniques to be integrated in Independent Commissions
• Human Rights Commission (HRC) - gender considerations of Prison study to be rolled-out
Access to Justice & Addressing SGBV:
• Victim and Witness Protection (VWP) law reviewed integrating aspects of gender, disability and sexual-orientation
• Operationalizing the National Plan of Action to address SGBV including strengthening the steering committee and sectoral plans – Supporting the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs and linking with UN agencies.
• Strengthening services to survivors of SGBV – legal assistance, court representation, counselling & shelters through CSOs.
• Linking with State and UN agencies to ensure a sustained response on shelters for women and girls.
• Advocate for National commitment to strengthen the SGBV referral system at district and divisional level
• Strengthened programme engaging with men and boys as changemakers – confronting gender stereotypes and ending VAW
• Engaging with youth on Innovative solutions using design thinking to address cyber violence among youth, especially among young women and girls.
• Audio-visual material on addressing SGBV, victim-centric services, Speak-up campaign against sexual harassment in public space harassment.
• Training of judges on gender-sensitive implementation of laws
Business & HR
• Mentoring and strengthening women-led entrepreneurs/ investors and businesses
• Undertake Gender Assessment focusing on the gender pay gap and other key priorities in the private sector including women's burden in unpaid care economy
• Enhance private sector engagement on advancing gender equality.
• Advocating for zero tolerance of sexual harassment at the workplace.
• Strengthen women’s empowerment and leadership in the workplace through the Gender Equality Seal for Private and Public Enterprises.
Gender and Peace Initiative (UNW & UNDP), Reconciliation and Resettlement
• Sensitization of public sector institutions on sexual bribery and exploitation
• Para-legal capacity building of Women Development Officers
• Enhance business / financial skills of widows and Women headed household and strengthen livelihoods and entrepreneurship.
• Women enhancing sustainable peacebuilding
• Resettlement programmes in the North & East targetting Women Headed Households – strengthening leadership and increased income of women through livelihood/ entrepreneurship.
• Women councilors at local government level have secured space/ and strengthened agency to initiate development projects
• Agency of women empowered at local government level to participate in politics & decision making
• District Development plans informed by recommendation from women’s activist groups