Reviewing Sri Lanka's Nationally Determined Contributions
Reviewing Sri Lanka's Nationally Determined Contributions
November 16, 2020
Building on UNDP’s extensive climate and sustainable development portfolio and partnerships with other UN and development agencies, public and private sector entities, academia and civil society groups, UNDP in Sri Lanka is supporting the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) to update and upgrade the country’s NDC targets. Partnering with the Climate Change Secretariat (CCS) under the Ministry of Environment and Wildlife Resources; the country’s first NDC revision is expected to strengthen the readiness of GoSL and its people for climate change ownership. The revision will be carried out for climate change mitigation, as well as adaptation, with a clear focus on known and predicted climate risks, development benefits, and policy integration. The process will also support GoSL to develop a method for determining loss and damages of climate events and taking cross-cutting climate action and interventions.