Female Farmers and Women Agri-Entrepreneurs of Sudan Rising to Respond to Food Insecurity and Engineer Local Economic Recovery

September 25, 2024
Gedaref Seed Distribution (Credit: UNDP Sudan)

Gedaref seed delivery: implemented by UNDP Sudan in partnership with GIZ

UNDP Sudan

The ongoing conflict in Sudan has pushed millions to the brink of famine, with 25.6 million people facing acute hunger according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC). In the face of this crisis, a powerful force for change is emerging: female farmers and women agri-entrepreneurs. These women are not only addressing the immediate need for food but are also laying the groundwork for long-term economic recovery and resilience.

One such inspiring figure is Fatima Ali, a farmer from the Gala Anahal locality of Gedaref. By joining the "Building Resilience and Stability to Support Women Working in Agriculture and Women Led/Owned enterprises" project, Fatima received a distribution of certified sorghum seeds, allowing her to plant five feddans of land. The training sessions she attended taught her vital techniques for water conservation and pest control.

Tractor in Gedaref as Part of Agriculture Mechanization Efforts (Credit UNDP Sudan)

The project, implemented by UNDP and supported by BMZ and GIZ, empowers women like Fatima to become agents of change within their communities. It tackles the crisis on multiple fronts:

  • Seed Distribution: Providing 12,000 kilograms of certified sorghum seeds enables each participant to cultivate five feddans of land, directly boosting local food production. This initiative is expected to result in a significant increase in sorghum harvests throughout the region, creating a more reliable food source for families and communities.

  • Capacity Building: training sessions equip the women with vital knowledge on good agronomy practices, ensuring sustainable and efficient farming techniques for future harvests.

  • Financial Management and Extension Support: Recognizing the importance of financial literacy, the program provides training to help women manage resources effectively. This training empowers them to invest in their farms and businesses, creating a ripple effect throughout the local economy. Additionally, dedicated extension agents offer continuous technical support, fostering long-term success and ensuring the project's impact extends well beyond its initial timeframe.

This holistic approach transcends traditional aid, empowering women to become architects of their own destinies. It unlocks their potential as leaders and innovators, setting Sudan on a course toward a future where food security and economic prosperity are within reach for all.

The programme is implemented by UNDP through its Enhancing Food Security and Livelihoods flagship portfolio and funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). 

Seed distribution in Gedaref in partnership with GiZ (Credit: UNDP Sudan)