UNDP supports key meeting on inclusivity in Ukraine amidst wartime challenges

July 17, 2024
Група людей, що сидять за столом
Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine

Kyiv, 17 July 2024 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine, with financial support from the Government of Sweden, has backed a key meeting of the Council on Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Diversity at Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The July 17 event, titled “Inclusivity and Barrier-Free Ukraine: Commitment, Cooperation, and International Support in Wartime,” brought together national and international stakeholders to address accessibility and inclusivity issues worsened by the ongoing war.

The event underscored the difficulties and advancements in fostering an inclusive and barrier-free environment in Ukraine while stressing the need for international support and collaboration. It served as a forum to discuss best practices and their potential application in Ukraine.

Jaco Cilliers, the UNDP’s Resident Representative in Ukraine, highlighted the importance of inclusivity in all development efforts: “Ukraine’s journey towards inclusivity and barrier-free environments is a testament to its resilience and commitment to ensuring that no one is left behind,” Cilliers said. “The UNDP is proud to support Ukraine in embedding accessibility and inclusivity into all aspects of our work, fostering a society where everyone can thrive regardless of their circumstances.”

Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, emphasized the importance of a barrier-free environment for social equality and the protection of human rights: “Barrier-free access is not just proof of our democracy. We fight for every life and for social equality. It is a crucial element in ensuring human rights, especially on Ukraine’s path to EU integration.”

Olena Zelenska, First Lady of Ukraine, reiterated Ukraine’s dedication to creating a barrier-free society: “83% of Ukrainians consider barrier-free access a new value for the country. This is something entirely new in people's mindsets. And now, not just 10% as before the invasion, but a quarter of the population says they are already creating barrier-free environments around them as best they can. However, this effort must be collective – an aware society and a conscious state. No one can succeed alone.”

The full-scale invasion has highlighted the urgent need for a barrier-free environment and brought to the fore the importance of ensuring that all citizens, especially those affected by the war, have access to essential services and can fully participate in society. Addressing these challenges is crucial for Ukraine’s recovery and long-term development.

The meeting brought together members of the inclusivity council at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, along with representatives of various ministries, profile NGOs, the diplomatic corps, and international organizations. This collective effort aimed to enhance the coordination of human rights activities involving civil society, business, and international partners. The focus was on practical solutions and garnering support for inclusivity projects that can be implemented even amidst the ongoing war.

Discussions during the meeting sought to establish new partnerships and strengthen existing ones. By working together, the participants aimed to ensure that the rights of people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups are upheld, ultimately contributing to creating a resilient and inclusive society in Ukraine.

Media enquiries: Yuliia Samus, UNDP Ukraine Head of Communications; e-mail: yuliia.samus@undp.org