Ferghana Valley Specialists are trained to process data from automated hydrological monitoring posts

July 10, 2023
Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

The maximum water flow in small rivers of Uzbekistan is formed due to intense precipitation during March-June. Therefore, it is important to strengthen early warning measures on dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena in the republic.

Understanding this need, the UNDP together with Uzhydromet installed 11 automated hydrological posts on the small rivers of the Ferghana Valley. Automated and energy efficient gauging stations will increase the efficiency of water resources monitoring and local population notification about upcoming natural disasters caused by climate change. Based on the Presidential Decree No. PP-4896 from November 17, 2020 “On measures to further improvement of the activities of the Center for the Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the requirements for automation of hydrological posts were acomplished for Karabagizh, Maylisuv, Sarikanda, Uchkurgan, GavaChadakKalKasansayShahimardansaySarikanda and Dugoba river basins.

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

On June 3-5, 2023 in Ferghana, Andijan, Namangan and Tashkent, a series of practical trainings on “Operational capabilities of automated gauging stations” took place. Over 80 civil servants and specialists from republican and regional branches of Uzhydromet and the Ministry of Water Resources actively participated at training sessions. Trainings were organized within the framework of the UNDP regional project "Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia" with financial support from the EU.

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

In future, specialists who receive complete and reliable hydrological data will be able to predict natural disasters and inform Ferghana Valley population in a timely manner. Farmers will also receive data can plan agrotechnical work taking considering climate change and reduce the cost of agricultural work.

The data received from each gauging station is able to be updated every 15 minutes and will be transmitted to the republican server of Uzhydromet and further.

As planned, the data from gauging stations will be merger into a single platform for meteorological observations www .data.meteo.uz (link is external)an early warning system covering the entire territory of the country will be created.