Peace Support Facility for Yemen 2022 Annual Report
Peace Support Facility for Yemen 2022 Annual Report
September 25, 2023
In 2022, significant political developments changed the conflict trajectory of Yemen. While the country continues to face widespread poverty, low human development, weak government institutions, high levels of food insecurity, and extensive need for humanitarian assistance, Yemen also experienced a negotiated truce and its extension from April to October 2022.
The truce resulted in significantly lower battle and aerial bombardment-related casualties, a decrease in displacement, as well as an increase in movement of civilians. As civilians slowly returned to areas previously understood as safe, spikes in casualties from explosives ordnances (ExO) occurred.
The truce was not extended beyond October 2022, but no large-scale armed clashes occurred following its expiration. The previously high level of armed clashes were replaced with low-level clashes along with frontlines.
The extended conflict has resulted in a humanitarian and development crisis, leading to the reversal of Yemen's developmental trajectory and the erasure of incremental gains achieved prior to the conflict. As of 2022, approximately 4.5 million people are internally displaced, with over 75 per cent women and children. In the fourth quarter of 2023, a staggering 17 million people faced crisis-level or worse acute food insecurity. About 80 per cent of the population struggles to access basic services, including food, drinking water, and healthcare. The conflict has severely impacted water infrastructure, with less than 5 per cent operating efficiently.
The Peace Support Facility (PSF) reformulated strategic orientation in 2022 resulted in the launch of PSF’s Phase II during the first quarter of 2023. However, in 2022 the PSF continued to deliver through its three initial implementation windows:
- Initiatives emerging from high-level peace consultations or stemming from interactions with the parties.
- Initiatives emerging from existing Track II dialogues.
- Eventual interventions related to the transitional governance arrangement post-deal.
This annual report presents the PSF’s key achievements, challenges faced, lessons learned, and a financial summary of the implementation period (1 January – 31 December 2022).