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UNDP in Zimbabwe
In support of the Government of Zimbabwe, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has embarked on the implementation of a five-year Country Programme Document (CPD) 2022-2026.
UNDP focuses on areas that have a multiplier effect through a targeted build-up of capacities, policies, the creation of dialogue space, and scalable downstream interventions. Proposed downstream interventions will seek to provide platforms for citizen engagement in democratic processes and facilitate access to skills, knowledge and new technologies for increased income generation.
In so doing, UNDP Zimbabwe renders its support through the following three programmatic areas:
HIV, Health and Development
In line with the Strategic Plan 2012-2025, and in support of national priorities identified in the Zimbabwe United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2022-26, the UNDP is assisting the country in strengthening institutions to deliver universal access to basic services. This includes building resilient health services for a sustainable response in the fight against HIV, TB, and Malaria.
Since 2009, UNDP has managed 9 approved Global Fund grants as Principal Recipient with a total value of about $1billion of which about $850 million has been disbursed to the country. In 2016, the Global Fund approved an incremental funding for the Zimbabwe HIV grant of US$ 143 million for the period 2017 making the total grant budget for the period 2014 to 2017 US$ 600 million.
In addition, UNDP is also using its own resources of about $3 million to build the capacity of the MoHCC and other national partners in financial management, procurement and supply chain, monitoring and evaluation, and grant management to enable them assume full Principal Recipient-ship when the Global Fund Additional Safeguard Policy is finally removed.