UNDP Zimbabwe
Gender Equality & Women Empowerment
UNDP Zimbabwe recognizes that gender inequality and discrimination induced by amongst others, social norms and poverty remains a major obstacle to development in Zimbabwe. Guided by its corporate Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025 and various international and local frameworks, especially the progressive Constitution of Zimbabwe, UNDP is contributing towards a gender-just and inclusive society in Zimbabwe through technical and programmatic support.
Women and girls continue to face numerous challenges, limited access to education, healthcare, economic and political empowerment, and leadership opportunities as well as the negative effects of climate change and deficits in accessing clean energy. For instance – women's representation in Local Government and Parliament respectively. Only six (23%) women have cabinet positions out of a 26-member Cabinet.
Gender-based violence inclusive of child marriages is also prevalent in Zimbabwe, with many at least 1 in 3 women and girls experiencing physical, sexual, and emotional abuse at some point in their lives and many girls drop out of school due to poverty
To address these challenges, UNDP Zimbabwe has adopted a two-pronged approach of mainstreaming gender in all its programmes and gender-specific programmes mainstreaming gender equality and women's empowerment in its development programs with about 90% of all programmes allocating at least 15% of programme budgets to gender-specific interventions in which women are major beneficiaries.
Through strategic partnerships with government, civil society organizations, and the private sector, and other UN agencies, UNDP Zimbabwe is working towards the promotion and implementation of gender-responsive policies, laws, budgets programmes practices, and to ensure that women and girls have equal access to resources, public services, and opportunities in all spheres of development.
Some of the key initiatives that UNDP Zimbabwe has undertaken to promote gender equality and women's empowerment include:
1. Women's Economic Empowerment and sustainable livelihoods
We promote women's economic empowerment by supporting the development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) owned or led by women. UNDP Zimbabwe is providing training in entrepreneurial development , mentoring, and financial support through for instance, local village savings and SACCOs to women entrepreneurs with over 500 women benefitting in 2023 and 2024 ( Refer to GCF and CAWEP Investments are being made in smart climate change sensitive technology such as pivot irrigation ad safe/energy stoves, which is reducing the burden of care work on women and creating more time for women. Furthermore, women’s participation in trade is being strengthened through operationalizing the African Continental Trade Agreement The ultimate aim is to enable women to grow their businesses, create jobs, and contribute to Zimbabwe's economic development.
2. Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Mitigation
We are working with partners to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) in Zimbabwe. Through its Spotlight Initiative and other programmes, UNDP Zimbabwe and UN agencies have supported the government and civil society to strengthen GBV prevention and response mechanisms, including health, legal, and counseling services for survivors of GBV.Key results include the development of the High-Level Politica Compact, the Public Service Sexual Harassment Policy, and others.
3. Women's Participation in Decision-Making, Leadership and Influence
UNDP Zimbabwe is supporting women's political participation and leadership. We aim to increase the number of women in decision-making positions in Zimbabwe, including in parliament and local government so that they influence transformative gender-responsive development interventions including support to the development of the National Strategy on Women and Decision Making and implementation of the same through capacitation of parliamentarians , especially women through the Zimbabwe Women’s Parliamentary Caucus and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission resulting in improvements in laws targeted at increasing the participation of women in Parliament and Local Government.
4. Gender-Responsive Budgeting
UNDP Zimbabwe is working with the government to promote gender-responsive budgeting, which aims to ensure that government budgets address the specific needs and priorities of women and men, girls and boys, and persons with disabilities and that there is equitable distribution of resources . We have provided training and technical support to government officials and the Zimbabwe Women’s Parliamentary Caucus to integrate and lobby for gender considerations into budgeting processes. Furthermore, support has been provided to the Office of Auditor General to ensure resources allocated for gender are optimally used and public services are delivered equitably.
5. Gender and Women's Health and Wellbeing
We are working with partners on initiatives to improve women's and men's health and well-being, with a particular focus on women Through the Global Fund programme and with the Ministry of Health and Child Care's leadership, UNDP Zimbabwe supporting work towards the reduction of the impact of HIV and AIDS on women and girls. The project supports HIV testing and counseling, treatment, and support services for women and girls affected by HIV and AIDS. Additionally through the Solar for Health initiative, the GF is contributing to the reduction of maternal deaths
UNDP Zimbabwe remains committed to promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in Zimbabwe. Through its programs and initiatives, it aims to create a more inclusive and equitable society where women and girls can reach their full potential.
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