a man that is standing in the grass




Brief Description


The Unit supports the implementation of national policies, strategies, and targets set under national development plans focusing on the climate change, energy, agriculture, forestry, environment, waste management, and disaster risk reduction, bringing benefits to rural and urban poor particularly youth and women in most fragile landscapes and vulnerable situations through projects.  Specifically, the unit aims to: Address climate change; Combat biodiversity loss; Ensure sustainable energy access through cross-sectoral collaboration, catalyze transformative change, and integrate environmental sustainability into development.


Climate proofing agricultural livelihood

Reducing dependence on rainfed agriculture, which is increasingly unreliable due to climate change, by rehabilitating irrigation schemes to boost water and energy efficiency. Collaborating with MSD and ZINWA to enhance access to weather, climate, and hydrological information.

Support to national policies and strategies

Provide technical assistance to enhance national institutions and support reviewing and formulating key policies and strategies, such as the National Clean Cooking Strategy, the Climate Change Bill, the Investment Framework for Nationally Determined Contributions, the Wildlife Policy, and the Framework for International Carbon Market Engagement.

Adoption of Ozone and Climate friendly refrigerants

Reduction of HCFC-22 through the adoption of energy-efficient, ozone and climate-friendly refrigerants in the RAC sector, consistent with the provisions of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.

Sustainable Natural Resources Management

Promoted an integrated landscape approach to managing wildlife resources, biodiversity, and ecosystems, particularly within Zimbabwe's protected areas and the Mid to Lower Zambezi regions. The focus includes reducing mid to Lower Zambezi Valley poaching, mitigating human-wildlife conflicts, and addressing land degradation and deforestation.





Good Health And Well-Being


Clean Water And Sanitation


Responsible Consumption And Production


Life On Land


Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions


Partnerships For The Goals